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OCI + Singularity Container Registry

Library Structure

A Library path looks like this: /entity/collection/container:tag


This is the basic (root) element. You are an entity called muh.kuh. You can do whatever you like underneath that!

We also have a special entity default with some general purpose containers and data.


You can group/organize your containers and data into collections. It’s up to you how that looks. As an inspiration: This might be by type (docker, singularity, …) or by project or by purpose.


Now we’re getting there, slowly. They contain images and tags pointing to images (and manifests, minor technical detail). Basically you push your data to a container and link it with a tag.


Some piece of data you push to us. Most likely, a singularity image. Can also be a docker container layer or some (any) data (if you use oras or the hinkskalle CLI).

This data is stored on the server and represented as an image linked to a container

You can address/retrieve an image by its sha256 hash


Since hashes are a bit annoying to handle, you can give your image a name: the tag. This can be anything (within character limitation reasons), most commonly a version number (like when you type docker pull ubuntu:20.04).


You’re working on a project ‘smurf-seq’ where you need some tools:

You decide to organize your genome references and indexes:

and so on.